Saturday, 27 August 2011

Non Gleek.

It had been a while since I watched Glee, so I thought of catching up with an episode online. I started where I had left off, with the episode 'Prom Queen.' Now I know there are some hard core Gleeks out there and I must say, I am nowhere close to being a Gleek. Then there are those who find the series 'gay' (and I'm taking the risk to say this, no matter how homophobic I may sound; though I am not even a bit). What they don't understand is, that below all those layers of drama and high school banter lie some delicate yet powerful messages. Now I'm not trying to promote the show in any way, but I do believe that there is that one moment when we all feel inspired. Hell, there may be several! 

So I'm going to list all such moments/events that have inspired me, and I request you guys to write in and tell me about your's! Here goes :)
-Prom Queen (Glee) is already on the list for that inspiring yet touching moment involving Kurt Hummel.
-Imperfection always leads to a struggle for perfection. I might not have had what we may call an ideal family, no matter how much I love them. There have always been problems, there have always been differences. These moments have led me to respect others when I din't receive any for myself. 
-Death affects people in many ways. Seeing my best friend lose someone so close to her made me realise the importance of life and how much we have never bothered about it. It inspired me to live life on my terms, the way I want to live it, so that when I'm on my death bed, I don't regret any part of it.
-Armageddon. yes, the Bruce Willis movie. There's just something about it that makes me cry every single time I watch it! I don't even know if any of it is inspiring. I just know that that movie is capable of giving me goosebumps even the zillionth time that I have watched it. But this is another topic! We'll discuss these touchy feely movies in a post sometime later!

So ask yourself what inspires you, write in to me and cherish those moments forever.

*I must let you in on a secret-I have never been this philosophical in my life!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Magnum Ice Creams

Exploding Magnum Art

Just when we thought technology was taking over the world, this amazing artist proves us wrong. Posted below are some snaps of exploding ice creams. Yes, EXPLODING ICE CREAM.
Detonators, small explosives and flash photography are the tools that led to this piece of genius.

Ice creams just got more irresistible.

Photographer: Diver and Aguilar

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Conversations inside my head.

So here I am, scratching my head, trying to figure out what I’m going to write about in my first blog post. Yes, you read right. My very first blog. Quite late, some might say. Knowing that half the world’s population is writing blogs about almost everything under the sun and even beyond, all I can say is that I haven’t really been the writing types. Then why write a blog, you might ask? Lets just say that at one point in your life, you may feel like everyone’s moving on with their lives, including you. Catching up with friends means the occasional ‘Hey! What’s up?’ text you receive/send on the occasional public holiday. Your cell phone rings less often and even when it does, it’s to notify you about that 11 o’ clock meeting or the all important lecture that got pre-poned. To sum it up, the reason I took up writing a blog was so I could share the innumerable thoughts in my head, when I couldn’t do so with friends and family. And well, the thoughts and conversations in my head just got too noisy over time.
I think I just found a topic to start with! Conversations inside my head. Not an ideal first-blog topic, but I’m sure many will relate to it.
I’m trying really hard to sound sane here, but you have to agree. We all have those two, sometimes three parties in our head fighting over a particular issue. The angel and the devil, as most cartoons have illustrated. I’d like to think of these as the soul and the body. No, I am neither a psychic nor am I into the occult. I just think my body and soul have two quite opposing minds. Its like there’s this constant bickering in my head regarding daily activities, no matter how mundane. And no, I do not suffer from MPD nor am I bipolar. I just have conflicting ideas in my mind! Don’t you too? Come on guys, show me some support!
Until next time!